Fitness / Health Flyer

Flyer 20prvw 20corporate

Flyer templates designed exclusively for health, fitness, gym ,corporate, sales or any of use. Fully editable, image/logo can be quickly added or replaced in smart objects. Easy to edit just find and replace image in the smart object layer, then edit the text. if you familiar with photoshop tools, you also can change color using layer option such as gradient/colour overlay.

Font used :
‘Lato’ :
‘Bebas Neue’ :

3 color variation available.
A4 size (3mm bleeds) & US Letter size (0.25inch bleeds) included

Created using Photoshop CS6 with older version compatible. Take note, some features may not working properly or disable if you are using older version photoshop such as CS4/CS3/CS. It’s recomended to use same or higher version photoshop than CS5. In case of questions simply ask me at the comment section. I will try to help you. And don’t forget to rate. Thank You.

Credits : image used for preview. not include in the package.
Pressmaster :
SimpleFoto :

Fitness / Health Flyer

Flyer 20prvw 20corporate

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Flyer 20prvw 20corporate