Line Icons Set

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The set can be used for: mobile app, websites, print templates, presentation templates, illustrations etc.

- Icon keylines – 176×176px, crisp pixel perfect icons - 3 File Type – ai, eps, svg - Based in Material Design Icons - Scale to proportion size

Icons: action

3d rotation, accessibility, account balance, account balance wallet, account box, account child, account circle, add shopping cart, alarm, alarm add, alarm off, alarm on, on, off, announcement, aspect ratio, assessment, assignment, assignment ind, assignment late, assignmen, return, assignment returned, assignment turned in, auto renew, backup, book, bookmark, bookmark outline, bug report, cached, class, credit, card, dashboard, delete, description, dns, done, done all, event, exit to, app, explore, extension, face unlock, favorite, favorite outline, find in page, find replace, flip to back, flip to front, get app, grade, group work, help, highlight remove, history, home, https, info, info outline, input, invert colors, label, label outline, language, launch, list, lock, lock open, lock outline, loyalty, mark unread mailbox, note add, open in browser, open in new, open with, page view, payment, perm camera mic, perm, contact cal, perm data setting, perm device info, perm identity, perm media, perm phone msg, perm scan wifi, picture in picture, polymer, print, query builder, question answer, receipt, redeem, reorder, report problem, restore, room, schedule, search, settings, settings applications, settings backup restore, settings bluetooth, settings cell, settings display, settings ethernet, settings input antenna, settings input component, settings input composite, settings input hdmi, settings input svideo, settings overscan, settings phone, settings power, settings remote, settings voice, shop, shop two, shopping basket, shopping cart, speaker notes, spellcheck, star rate, stars, store, subject, supervisor, account, swap horiz, swap vert, swap vert circle, system update tv, tab, tab unselected, theaters, thumb down, thumb up, thumbs up down, toc, today, track changes, translate, trending down, trending neutral, trending up, turned in, turned in not, verified user, view agenda, view array, view carousel, view column, view day, view headline, view list, view module, view quilt, view stream, view week, visibility, visibility off, wallet gift card, wallet membership, wallet travel, work


error, warning


album, av timer, closed caption, equalizer, explicit, fast forward, fast rewind, games, hearing, high quality, loop, mic, mic none, mic off, movie, my library add, my library books, my library music, new releases, not interested, pause, pause circle fill, pause circle outline, play arrow, play circle fill, play circle outline, play shopping bag, playlist add, queue, queue music, radio, recent actors, repeat, repeat one, replay, shuffle, skip next, skip previous, snooze, stop, subtitles, surround sound, video collection, video cam, video cam off, volume down, volume mute, volume off, volume up, web


business, call, call end, call made, call merge, call missed, call received, call split, chat, clear all, comment, contacts, dialer sip, dialpad, dnd on, email, forum, import export, invert colors off, invert colors on, live help, location off, location on, message, messenger, no sim, phone, portable wifi off, quick contacts dialer, quick contacts mail, ring volume, stay current landscape, stay current portrait, stay primary landscape, stay primary portrait, swap calls, textsms, voicemail, vpn key


add, add box, add circle, add circle outline, archive, backspace, block, clear, content copy, content cut, content paste, create, drafts, filter list, flag, forward, gesture, inbox, link, mail, mark unread, redo, remove, remove circle, remove circle outline, reply, reply all, report, save, select all, send, sort, text format, undo


access alarm, access alarms, access time, add alarm, airplanemode off, airplanemode on, battery 20, battery 30, battery 50, battery 60, battery 80, battery 90, battery alert, battery charging 20, battery charging 30, battery charging 50, battery charging 60, battery charging 80, battery charging 90, battery charging full, battery full, battery std, battery unknown, bluetooth, bluetooth connected, bluetooth disabled, bluetooth searching, brightness auto, brightness high, brightness low, brightness medium, data usage, developer mode, devices, dvr, gps fixed, gps not fixed, gps off, location disabled, location searching, multitrack audio, network cell, network wifi, nfc, now wallpaper, now widgets, screen lock landscape, screen lock portrait, screen lock rotation, screen rotation, sd storage, settings system daydream, signal cellular 0 bar, signal cellular 1 bar, signal cellular 2 bar, signal cellular 3 bar, signal cellular 4 bar, signal cellular connected no internet 0 bar, signal cellular connected no internet 1 bar, signal cellular connected no internet 2 bar, signal cellular connected no internet 3 bar, signal cellular connected no internet 4 bar, signal cellular no sim, signal cellular null, signal cellular off, signal wifi 0 bar, signal wifi 1 bar, signal wifi 2 bar, signal wifi 3 bar, signal wifi 4 bar, signal wifi off, signal wifi statusbar 1 bar, signal wifi statusbar 2 bar, signal wifi statusbar 3 bar, signal wifi statusbar 4 bar, signal wifi statusbar connected no internet 1, signal wifi statusbar connected no internet, signal wifi statusbar connected no internet 2, signal wifi statusbar connected no internet 3, signal wifi statusbar connected no internet 4, signal wifi statusbar not connected, signal wifi status bar null, storage, usb, wifi lock, wifi tethering


attach file, attach money, border all, border bottom, border clear, border color, border horizontal, border inner, border left, border outer, border right, border style, border top, border vertical, format align centre, format align justify, format align left, format align right, format bold, format clear, format color fill, format color reset, format color text, format indent decrease, format indent increase, format italic, format line spacing, format list bulleted, format list numbered, format paint, format quote, format size, format strikethrough, format textdirection l to r, format textdirection r to l, format underline, functions, insert chart, insert comment, insert drive file, insert emoticon, insert invitation, insert link, insert photo, merge type

Line Icons Set

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Line Icons Set

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