Plateformer Assets Pack 3

Plateformer 20enva

Give birth to a colorful plateforming experience using these ready to use assets, featuring a 32×32 hero character, a colorful tileset with all possible plateformes and even slopes, a 32×32 3 foes animated sprisheet and a 4 parrallax backgrounds to use instantly,

File includes:


- A 32×32 character spritesheet containing three animations;

Walkcycle animation Standing animation Jumping animation

- A tileset, each tile is 31×31 px

- 32×32 3 foes walk animations

- 4 backgrounds ready to use in parrallax, resizable at wish (when resizing always lock the scale to x 2 and make sure you have photoshop’s image interpolation set to nearest neighbour)

Hope you’ll enjoy the pack

Plateformer Assets Pack 3

Plateformer 20enva

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Plateformer Assets Pack 3

Plateformer 20enva