Pre-Hispanic Iconography 2

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It is a second sample of the iconography used by the aboriginal peoples in the north of Argentina. This is a series of drawings which extends the range presented above. It is the art of some peoples directly linked to the Inca culture. This type of art is very common in the area of the CalchaquĆ­ Valleys that are in the Argentine provinces of Tucuman, Salta and Catamarca (international tourist area very appreciated by the whole history that has) I have prepared 28 elements that are taken from the iconography of these aboriginal peoples (The Quilmes, the Lules, Diaguitas)

Can be used for tourist guides, t-shirts, specialized books, tattoos, or anything else you could think of.

Vector 100% easy to edit and change colors.

The download includes 2 files: 1 AI and 1 EPS. Resizable. Each element is in a separate layer.

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Pre-Hispanic Iconography 2

Aborigin 20iconography 20ii preview 01

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Pre-Hispanic Iconography 2

Aborigin 20iconography 20ii preview 01