Stonewall Jackson Illustration

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Top quality Illustration of one of the greatest personalities in the US history. Suitable for t-shirt prints, for websites, games, posters, flyers and anything else you can think of. In this package you get: -The main illustration in layered PSD format with characters, props and background on different layers for easy editing, -A jpg with the same illustration, -The illustration in PNG format with transparency, -And as a bonus you get a layered PSD file with the same illustration arranged in a beautiful composition with editable text and effects, with a decorative background and the character’s name so you can use it for t-shirt printing or whichever suites your needs.

Resolution of the layered PSD main file is 2550×3300 at 300dpi Resolution of the jpg main illustration file is 2550×3300 at 300dpi Resolution of the illustration tshirt png is 2349×2907 at 300dpi Resolution of the illustration tshirt PSD file is 2550×3300 at 300dpi

Stonewall Jackson Illustration

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