Calibre - Bootstrap Admin Template

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Calibre is a clean and fresh layouts based on Bootstrap 3.3.7 Framework with unique design that suitable in all web applications. Created with high-quality common UI elements that would save your development time. Calibre is built with Sass and Compass which is modular CSS based and easy to modify in each components. Unlimited theme colors and sidebar colors that could be generated via Sass.

Once you’ve purchased this item all updates are free. If you love our work don’t forget to rate us FIVE STARS. Good rating provides more and better updates. Thank you.

Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions to be implemented in this theme in the feature.

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We would like to thanks to the authors who created the plugins below that works this theme.

NOTE: Images in DEMO are NOT included in downloadable packages due to licencing rights.


  1. Unsplash


  1. Linear Icons59 USD
  2. Isotope25 USD
  3. Sky Forms Pro10 USD
  4. Bootstrap Modal Enhance Animations5 USD

     Saves – 99 USD


  1. Animate.css
  2. Bootstrap 3.3.7
  3. Bootstrap Color Picker
  4. Bootstrap File Upload
  5. Bootstrap Tags Input
  6. Bootstrap Timepicker
  7. Bootstrap Tour
  8. Bootstrap Wizard
  9. Bs Tooltip
  10. Chartist
  11. Chart.js
  12. CKEditor
  13. CodeMirror
  14. Jquery Waypoints
  15. Cropper
  16. D3.js
  17. DataTables
  18. Device.js
  19. Dropdown Menus Enhancement
  20. Dropzone.js
  21. ECharts 2.0
  22. FlipClock.js
  23. Flot Charts
  24. Font Awesome
  25. FullCalendar
  26. Gmaps.js
  27. Google Code Pretitify
  28. highlight.js
  29. Hover.css
  30. Autosize
  31. Js Cookie
  32. iCheck
  33. jVectorMap
  34. jQuery Mockjax
  35. jQuery UI
  36. jQuery UI Sortable Animation
  37. Ladda
  38. LightGallery
  39. Masonry
  40. Moment.js
  41. Morris.js
  42. nanoScroller.js
  43. Navgoco
  44. Nestable
  45. NVD3
  46. Owl Carousel 2
  47. Peity
  48. PL Upload
  49. printThis
  50. Bootstrap ProgressBar
  51. Raphaël
  52. Rickshaw
  53. Rippler
  54. RWD-Table
  55. scrollTo
  56. Select2
  57. Skycons
  58. slimscroll
  59. Slippry
  60. Sparklines
  61. Summernote
  62. Sweet Alert
  63. Syntax Highlighter
  64. TinyMCE
  65. Tooltipster
  66. Typeahead.js
  67. WordsRotator
  68. WOW Animations
  69. X-editable
  70. imagesLoaded
  71. jQuery
  72. jQuery Mousewheel
  73. jQuery Number Formatter
  74. jQuery Migrate
  75. Js Hashtable
  76. Nicescroll


v1.0 – 18 February 2017
Initial Release

Calibre - Bootstrap Admin Template

Thumbnail 590x300.  large preview
Category: Admin Templates
Purchases: 2
High Resolution: Yes
Compatible Browsers: IE9
Compatible With: Bootstrap 3.x
Columns: 3

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Calibre - Bootstrap Admin Template

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