The Voux - A Comprehensive Magazine Theme

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Update 1.3.0 – 03.06.2015

- Added Selection Sharing! Check it out on our demo by selecting a text on article detail page
- Added Attachment page layout - Misc Fixes
Changed files:

- assets/css/app.css
- assets/css/selection.php
- assets/js/app.min.js
- assets/js/plugins/app.js
- assets/js/vendor.min.js
- assets/js/vendor/jquery.thbSelectionSharer.js
- assets/sass/_postgallery.scss
- assets/sass/_postlayouts.scss
- assets/sass/_selectionshare.scss
- assets/sass/app.scss
- attachment.php
- footer.php
- inc/loop/single-style1.php
- inc/loop/single-style2.php
- inc/misc.php
- inc/ot-themeoptions.php
- inc/postformats/post-gallery.php
- inc/posts-social-shares-count/posts-share-count.php
- style.css
- vc_templates/thb_postgrid.php

Update 1.2.0 – 22.05.2015

- Updated Visual Composer
- Updated Language Files
- Added Recent Post setting to VC elements with options to exclude categories or tags
- Added Option to disable Dropcap on articles
- Misc fixes

Changed files:

- assets/css/app.css
- assets/js/app.min.js
- assets/js/plugins/app.js
- assets/sass/_postlayouts.scss
- assets/sass/_sidebar.scss
- inc/header/category-title.php
- inc/languages/
- inc/languages/en_US.po
- inc/loop/single-style1.php
- inc/loop/single-style2.php
- inc/misc.php
- inc/plugins/
- inc/visualcomposer-extend.php
- inc/widgets/category-slider.php
- inc/widgets/featured-video.php
- style.css
- vc_templates/thb_postcarousel.php
- vc_templates/thb_postgrid.php
- vc_templates/thb_postmasonry.php
- vc_templates/thb_postslider.php

Update 1.1.0 – 15.05.2015

- Added a new author grid VC element, see it in action:
- Added author information to article pages, see it in action:
- Added full page option to article pages that removes the sidebar
- Added advertisement options for post ends (AJAX and Normal) and gallery header
- Fixed a bug with VC image links.
- Fixed footer widget styling
- Updated demo content

Changed files:

- assets/css/app.css
- assets/css/magnific-popup.css
- assets/css/vc_extra.css
- assets/img/logo.png
- assets/js/app.min.js
- assets/js/plugins/app.js
- assets/sass/_authorpage.scss
- assets/sass/_footer.scss
- assets/sass/_postgallery.scss
- assets/sass/_postlayouts.scss
- assets/sass/_shortcodes.scss
- assets/sass/_sidebar.scss
- assets/sass/vc_extra.scss
- assets/vc/thb_vc_icons.png
- author.php
- footer.php
- inc/democontent/demo-content.xml
- inc/import.php
- inc/loop/single-style1.php
- inc/loop/single-style2.php
- inc/misc.php
- inc/ot-themeoptions.php
- inc/postformats/post-gallery.php
- inc/visualcomposer-extend.php
- screenshot.png
- style.css
- vc_templates/thb_authorgrid.php
- vc_templates/thb_image.php
- vc_templates/thb_postgrid.php

The Voux - A Comprehensive Magazine Theme

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Category: News Editorial
Purchases: 371

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The Voux - A Comprehensive Magazine Theme

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