Valuex Website Template

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24/7 Free Support

Your questions will be handled promptly by our support team.

Stock Photos Included

You get 7-15 hi-res stock photos & images for free life-time usage.

Satisfaction Guarantee

You will be completely happy with our products and services.

In financial business trust is in the first place. Valuex - a responsive website template for financial companies - offers rich functionality with classic austere palette, utilizing grey, red and white colors. It features a page-wide slider right below the header, blocks for information about your services and the Google Maps widget. The template also includes a back-to-top button, a contact form and a dropdown menu. In other words, it has everything for you to launch a successful business portfolio right away. Built with Bootstrap , HTML5 and JavaScript, it offers unparalleled compatibility with all devices and browsers.

Valuex Website Template

55441 big


Category: Business & Services

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